Daily photos from Oklahoma City and the surrounding
metro area
Sunday, January 4, 2009
OK vineyard
This is Tres Sueños Vineyard, in Luther, which is east of OKC, just 14 miles outside the metro area. In the back is a stand of huge pine trees, perfect for outdoor weddings or other occasions. The place is guarded by a pair of extremely friendly house cats.
Oklahoma is called the Sooner State, because when the state was opened up land was given away not by lottery but by land run, in a "shotgun start" style. At a certain time, all the settlers lined up at the starting line took off at a dead run and ran as fast as their buggies, coaches, buckboards, horses and legs could take them until they could find land that no one had claimed, 160 acres at a time. Unfortunately, not everyone waited for the starting shot and took off Sooner than they were supposed to: hence, the Sooner State. This bronze statue, actually a series of statues depicting the land run, is found along the canal in Bricktown, in downtown Oklahoma City (OKC) and when finished will be the largest bronze statuary in the world.
This looks like a beautiful place. Guardian house cats are often the marker of gentility!
Wow! I had no idea there was such a place in OK. Thanks for posting this.
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